More Than 89 Ideas For Decorated Nails, All To Be Copied

Long or short, nails are an element of our outfit that must be kept in the most elegant shape possible. If you are looking for ideas for your next manicure, in this gallery of images you will find lots of designs for decorated nails.
Starting from french manicure, glitter, glitter nails and decorative designs, you can choose the style that best suits your needs. Nail design attracts many girls and women, but not all of them know how to choose the type that corresponds to their age, profession and need. The correct manicure has the task of highlighting the entire look.
Decorated nails and an elegant idea with sparkles and glitter
Of course, nails decorated with glitter and glitter are dazzling and very special, but they may not be suitable for everyday life. In general, such a manicure is suitable for events related to nightlife, such as a cocktail or a birthday party. Going to the office with nails like this is definitely not the case.
Modern style decorated nails
Un’altra idea per una manicure estiva
Disegni facili – mandala di colore rosso su una base bianca
Elegante e moderno…
French manicure con glitter viola
Ecco come dovrebbe essere la pedicure perfetta per l’estate
Blu opaco e brillantini
L’eleganza del nero in abbinamento al beige
Una french manicure elegante e molto glossy
Smalto effetto sugar della Kiko
Disegni facili per delle unghie lunghe
Smalto opaco di colore rosa e nero con brillantini
Unghie natalizie dark
Decorazioni unghie con brillantini su una base rosa glossy
Effetto unicorno rosa glitter
Unghie estive di colore bianco e rosa
Unghie Minnie Mousse forma a mandorla
Smalto estivo effetto vernice
Unghie a mandorla con decorazioni